Finding the Perfect Graduation Dress

 All I knew was that I didn't want it to be white.

That was the only guideline in searching for the perfect college graduation dress. For such a milestone event, I wanted something different than what I did in high school and ultimately settled upon something more mature. I checked nearly every resell clothing app, went to the mall, thrifted all over Buffalo, and even checked multiple event clothing websites -- nothing. A slip dress would be too casual, a sundress too overdone, and it couldn't be longer than our robes. It seemed I was far too specific.

It was a grueling process, but one random Wednesday I got a notification on Depop from own of my favorite sellers and found the perfect dress! It was formal, but not overly so and had a certain refined nature. It is most certainly a Buffy the Vampire Slayer-esq aesthetic that I will wear for more than just graduation. To those of you searching, do not lose hope. There will always be a piece of clothing out there meant just for you.
